Cancer treament cost in india

Category: Cancer - Last Updated: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 - by admin


Peace Medical Tourism chooses the best hospitals and best cancer treatment cost India (as per quality and standard of hospitals, and the best doctors (as per qualification, experience, and success rate on their treatment) based on the testimonials of our patients.

We are working with many best cancer hospitals in India, and they provide the highest levels and best quality of professional expertise in all major disciplines of Oncology. Our doctor’s teams are very highly skilled and renowned surgical oncologists, the best in radiation oncologists and top medical Oncologists, and experts in Nuclear Medicine in India. Our cancer hospitals in India are equipped with the top-most advanced technology, Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3DCRT), IMRT/IGRT &PET Guided Planning, and Clinics IX with the Robotic imager.

Cancer is a formidable adversary that affects millions of lives worldwide. In India, cancer is a growing concern, with increasing incidences and a significant impact on the healthcare system. One of the most pressing issues when it comes to cancer is the cost of treatment. In this blog, we will explore the cost of cancer treatments in India, its various components, and ways to manage these expenses effectively.

Understanding the Burden of Cancer in India

Cancer has been on the rise in India, partly due to lifestyle changes and an aging population. According to the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) data, there were over 13.9 lakh (1.39 million) new cancer cases reported in 2020. This alarming increase in cancer incidence has put tremendous pressure on the healthcare infrastructure and finances of patients and their families.

The Cost Components of Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment costs can be broken down into several components, each contributing to the overall financial burden. Understanding these components is crucial for patients and their families to make informed decisions.

Diagnosis and Staging: The first step in cancer treatment involves diagnosis and staging, which may include biopsies, imaging tests, and laboratory investigations. The cost varies depending on the complexity of the case and the facilities used.

Surgery: Surgery is often a necessary part of cancer treatment, involving the removal of tumors or affected tissues. The cost depends on the type and extent of the surgery, as well as the hospital chosen.

Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy uses high-energy beams to target and destroy cancer cells. The cost varies depending on the number of sessions and the technology used.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. The cost can vary widely depending on the type of drugs, the duration of treatment, and whether it is administered in a hospital or through outpatient services.

Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy: These newer forms of treatment are often more expensive than traditional chemotherapy, as they are highly specialized and may require specific tests to determine eligibility.

Supportive Care: Cancer treatment often requires supportive care, including medications to manage side effects, nutritional support, and psychological counseling. These costs can add up significantly.

Hospitalization and Stay: Depending on the stage and type of cancer, patients may need to stay in the hospital for extended periods, incurring additional costs for accommodation, nursing, and other services.

Follow-Up and Monitoring: After the initial treatment, regular follow-up visits, scans, and tests are essential to monitor the patient's progress. These ongoing expenses can continue for years.

Travel and Lodging: Patients and their families may need to travel to specialized cancer centers, incurring expenses for transportation, lodging, and meals.

Loss of Income: Cancer treatment often results in extended periods of leave from work, which can lead to a loss of income for patients and their families.

Managing Cancer Treatment Cost in India

Health Insurance: Having comprehensive health insurance is crucial when dealing with cancer. It can significantly ease the financial burden by covering a substantial portion of the treatment costs. Many insurance policies in India now include cancer-specific coverage.

Government Schemes: India has government-sponsored health schemes like Ayushman Bharat and state-level health insurance programs that provide financial assistance for cancer treatment to eligible beneficiaries.

Cancer Hospitals and Treatment Centers: Choosing a reputed cancer hospital or treatment center can make a difference in terms of costs and the quality of care. Some government hospitals and charitable organizations offer subsidized or free treatment to economically disadvantaged patients.

Second Opinions: Seek second opinions from multiple healthcare providers to explore different treatment options and cost-effective strategies.

Clinical Trials: Enrolling in clinical trials can provide access to cutting-edge treatments at reduced or no cost. Discuss this option with your oncologist.

Palliative Care: In cases where curative treatment is not possible, palliative care can focus on symptom management and improving the quality of life. It can be a cost-effective alternative.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Many NGOs and support groups in India offer financial assistance, counseling, and emotional support to cancer patients and their families.


Cancer treatment costs in India can be substantial, but they are not insurmountable. With proper planning, support, and access to healthcare resources, patients can manage the financial burden associated with cancer treatment. It is essential to stay informed, explore available options, and seek assistance when needed. Additionally, raising awareness about the cost of cancer treatments and advocating for better access to affordable healthcare remains crucial in the fight against cancer in India. Together, we can work towards a future where cancer treatments are not only effective but also financially manageable for all


Is India the best place for cancer treatment?

  • India is the best place for Cancer Treatment at an affordable cost with the Top 10 Cancer Hospital in India that has the best professional and are equipped with the most advanced treatment suite for Surgical, Radiation & Medical Oncology procedures.
  • The most advanced technology in treatments like TomoTherapy-H, Da Vinci, CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery, and 3DCRT/IMRT/IGRT which allows cancer to be targeted with pinpoint accuracy.
  • PEACE MEDICAL TOURISM has shortlisted the top 10 oncologist surgeons in India on the basis of qualification, experience, and success rate of their surgery.  India has the topmost cancer surgeons in the world and we offer the best Cancer treatment in India at a low cost across the globe. 
  • Before starting cancer treatment we organize a tumor board meeting with a group of doctors like Cancer Oncology, Medicine Oncologists, Pathologists, and Radiation oncologists to determine the best possible cancer treatment in India and care plan for our patients.  


What Is The Cancer?

"Cancer is known as a group of diseases where the abnormal cells start spreading in other parts of the body very quickly." 

What are the types of Cancer?

Click the below link for more details:

  1. Bladder cancer
  2. Bone cancer
  3. Brain cancer
  4. Breast Cancer
  5. Colon cancer
  6. Stomach (Gastric) Cancer
  7. Lung cancer
  8. Liver cancer
  9. Leukemia Cancer
  10. Pancreatic Cancer
  11. Thyroid Cancer


What is the cost of cancer treatment in India?

(depending upon the Surgeon, City, and Hospitals Services)

             PROCEDURE           ROUGH COST IN USD    
Bladder Surgery Cost   5000 to 12,000 USD 
Bone Surgery Cost  5000 to 7000 USD
Brain Cancer Surgery Cost  5000 to 7000 USD
Colon Cancer Surgery Cost  6000 to 9000 USD 
 Stomach Cancer Surgery Cost            5000 to 9000 USD 
Lung Cancer Surgery Cost  7000 to 10000 USD
Liver Cancer Surgery Cost  7000 to 40,000 USD
Leukemia Cancer Treatment Cost  19,000 to 30,000 USD 
Thyroid Cancer Surgery Cost  3500 to 6000 USD 



Which is the best top 10 Cancer hospital in India?

Click the below link for more details:


Who is the best Oncologist Surgeon in India?

Click the below link for more details:

  1. DR.SURRENDER KUMAR DABAS – Oncologist Surgeon
  2. DR.DHARMA CHOUDHARY – Hematologist
  3. DR.SHISHIR SETH – Hematologist
  4. DR.S HAKKU - Radiation Oncology
  5. DR.S M SHUAIB ZAIDI – Oncologist Surgeon
  6. DR.HARIT CHATURVEDI – Oncologist Surgeon
  7. DR.KAPIL KUMAR – Oncologist Surgeon
  8. DR.RAJESH KAPOOR - Oncologist Surgeon



  • We advise your second opinion of treatment with multiple hospitals as per your budget.
  • We provide you with complete information about cancer treatment plans and the success rate of treatment. 
  • Priority consultation/appointment with Doctors.
  • Online assistance or video conference to the Patients for pre and post-care.
  • Visa services and airport Pick-up.
  • Translator or facilitator services (24-hour assistance*).
  • Advised to choose Top 10 Cancer Hospitals in India.


